Tips For Moving House With Kids

Moving House with Kids - Indigo Greens Estate agents


Tips For Moving House With Kids

We all know that moving home can be stressful. Between coordinating removal vans to organising belongings, it’s easy to get lost in the chaos. As adults, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel: soon, we’ll be settled into a new home, in a new neighbourhood, full of exciting opportunities. It’s harder for kids to see the bigger picture sometimes. Changing homes can be difficult for kids of all ages.

Where possible try to aim for a week (or more) between exchange and completion so you can take the steps needed to make moving as smooth as possible. It’s important to talk to kids well in advance and prepare them for the move. Listen to what they have to say and answer any questions.

But how can you get the kids excited about moving day? Here are some tips for getting your kids on board with the big move.

Get Them Involved In Household Decisions Before The Move

Does your new kitchen need a fresh coat of paint? Are you going to buy lovely new furniture? Let your kids be part of the decision-making! You may be surprised at how much fun they’ll have helping you pick out furniture, fabrics, and colours. It gives them a sense of control over their new surroundings and helps create a positive experience for all when it comes to moving day.

Give Kids An Important Moving Job

Kids love feeling helpful. So, on the day of the move, assign them an important job or let them be your assistant. Let them pack up their own toys and belongings, carry small boxes, and keep their things organised. Younger children may need some extra supervision. You could also write a to-do list or organisation chart for them. With each completed task, they can check it off the list and see what they have left to do.

Unpack Their Bedrooms First

You’re probably familiar with the sudden dread of being in a new space surrounded by full boxes. It can be daunting to anyone, especially after an exhausting day of moving. Be sure to unpack the kid’s rooms first and set up their favourite things, especially if they are young – books, toys, or favourite pictures. Get them feeling comfortable in their new room right away, and they’ll feel at home in no time, plus it will give you some space to unpack other areas of the house. Older children should be happy organising their own rooms once you have moved the main furniture in.

Take Breaks To Keep Things On Track

Tensions run high on moving days. Siblings fight, parents’ patience goes out the door, and things go off the rails. This is the point when moving days can turn disastrous. Be sure to take breaks between packing, moving, and organising for some time out to keep your moving experience an exciting and pleasant day for all. Take a 5 minute break to go for a walk or grab a sandwich together. Anything that helps relieve the tension, get everyone back on track and have fun. When you’re ready, get back to work.

Take A Walk Around The New Neighbourhood

If you are new to the area, take a family walk around your block as soon as the moving vans have gone, this will give you a break so you can start unpacking feeling fresh. Be on the lookout for parks and shops, and maybe even stroll past your children’s new school if it’s within walking distance. By taking the time to introduce your kids to their new neighbourhood, they’ll be more comfortable with the change.

Moving doesn’t have to be stressful. A little preparation for you and your family ahead of time will keep them on task and focused during the move. Not only will the entire process go smoother, but you’ll also have a happier family ready for what lies ahead in their new home and hopefully time for a cuppa!